BBEdit tips and tricks

Found a great tip today for BBEdit BBEdit has a great markup library, but it’s so hidden that I rarely use it. Today I had a big text document from word that I needed to transcribe to a web page. Following tips are great. 1. Use my tidyword applescript to strip any word doc nasties […]

Amazon S3, CSS, Gzip and Safari

We use a Amazon S3 a lot. It’s a great service that can get expensive if you have a lot of traffic, or a lot of bandwidth. With this in mind (and also trying to keep page weight down on what is fast becoming a bloaty homepage), I set about trying to serve the CSS […]

Tables are accessible, too

Once I had debunked his idealism with my carving knife story, he brought up the popular myth that tables aren’t accessible. Bunkum.

Bring back tables

I tell you what is backwards and strange – using CSS hacks to make dynamic content align vertically centred. It’s like my dad using an electric carving knife in the 80’s because it was the latest thing. Why did he do it? It wasn’t easier, it wasn’t quicker, it wasn’t necessarily better. He just did it because it felt like it was the future.